The Teddington Way
Information for parents
A junior match in progress in Bushy Park
As a junior section in an amateur cricket club we have 4 main purposes:
1) To be a fair, inclusive and transparent club who gives everyone a go with equal opportunities
2) To help each player reach their full potential
3) To help nurture a love of the game of cricket and its values of sportsmanship and fairness
4) To provide cricket in the local community
While this stage in your child’s cricketing experience is a fantastic time, it does have associated challenges.
Under 11s celebrate a wicket
In the U5 - U8 age groups the main emphasis is providing children with a fun and active involvement in cricket.
As children progress through these age groups they will become more equipped to start playing cricket matches, but in their more formative cricket years they will mainly take part in coaching activities that help develop discrete batting, bowling and fielding skills.
Coaching emphasises participation with short, very active sessions and will aim to avoid kids getting bored standing around waiting for their turn. Coaches for this age group have a smile on their face and are lively, engaging and full of positive praise and feedback.
By the end of this period, children should have the building blocks necessary to start playing more competitive matches.
The Club’s role in U9 - U11 cricket is to inspire this age group to love the game of cricket, to enjoy training, learning and match exposure. Children begin to understand the values/benefits of playing competitive cricket at a club such as Teddington.
We want to build a supportive and social environment that gives equal opportunities for young players to learn the skills of learning and teamwork, to develop their cricket-specific technical skills and to build on their foundation skills that enable them to play matches.
During this period, their cricket moves from soft-ball to hard-ball, and matches move from pairs format to “out-is-out” cricket. Competition increases as the kids get older and gain more cricket experience. Not all kids will be developing at the same rate so we need to cater for all levels, both in coaching and in matches.
The skills they learn at this stage will help prepare them for when the game gets faster, harder and more competitive, to participate in healthy sporting activities and to build friendships with players within the club.
Generally, by 12-15 years of age, children will generally start to focus on a smaller number of sports that they take more seriously. The development of the children remains paramount, but the competitive nature of the games will increase further and there are more likely to be ‘tier 1’ competitions where teams will be selected on ability. However, there will also be competitions where all abilities will compete.
The main aim within these age groups will be development. If players are thought to be ready to play above their age level, or be introduced to adult cricket, then this will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Players from Under 14s and up can get involved in senior cricket and training. This process will be carefully managed by the Coaches and Age Group Managers who will work closely with the senior captains.
Handshakes and applause at the end of the match
Our main objective in playing games is in development and learning. Children will naturally play with a winning attitude; however, we want to ensure they play to win with an understanding, and within a supportive, encouraging and learning environment. Winning is naturally important to the players but it is not the be all and end all.
We value effort, performance and sportspersonship over winning.
We discourage ‘sledging’, and have a zero tolerance policy towards any kind of discriminatory behaviour and personal insults.
We encourage a positive, fearless approach to match play, but one that is based on a solid technical footing.