Teddington cricket club is a members’ club and as such the following subscriptions apply if you would like to use any of the facilities.

The following are the annual subscriptions for the 2024 season:

Annual subscriptions:

1. Full Playing Adult Member: £250 (£225 if paid before 1st May)

2. U18-U25: £220 (£200 if paid before 1st May)

3. Junior (U8+): £200 including free club shirt

with a £50 membership card credit for siblings

4. Women and Girls U9 and above £150

5. Junior (U5 - U7): £120 including free club shirt

Click here for full information about our Junior Programme

6. Women’s Softball £75

7. Non-playing (social) membership: £50 per Annum

2024 membership IS NOW OPEN

If you have any questions please email


Playing members are also expected to pay match fees for most fixtures***

All Day* Half Day Friendly T20**
Adults £17 £14 £12 FREE
Students £12 £9 £7 FREE
Juniors (playing senior cricket) £9 £6 £6 FREE
* - This usually only applies to 1st XI timed league fixtures, which start at 11am and include a lunch interval
** - T20 fixtures are free, providing no tea is provided
*** - Junior fixtures are free