The Teddington Way
Information for parents: Part 2 - Selection and Matches
An Under 11 match in progress
We will try to select an appropriately competitive and balanced team where possible, but we will also balance that with giving boys and girls throughout the age group match exposure.
Your Age Group Manager (AGM) and Coaches work hard to ensure that everyone - including the opposition - gets a good game and is tested appropriately. We want as many players as possible to get a good amount of match exposure at the right level. Please trust and help your AGM and Coaches to manage this process.
There are lots of different types of matches - League matches, Cup matches and Friendlies. Some matches are Tier 1 level and teams will be selected on merit. Other matches are Tier 2 or 3/Development League, and will feature a larger number of less experienced players. There are also friendlies, where the standard will vary, and the team may be adjusted during the match to ensure a good game for all.
Roles, captaincy and batting orders will vary through the season. It is important that any established ‘star’ player doesn’t dominate to the detriment of the others in the team. But we do love to celebrate successes.
Your AGM/Coach will try to ensure that less able players are not exposed at an inappropriate level as this can be demotivating. However, he/she will attempt to push your child's learning by getting them to play at a level that challenges them.
Please respect the AGM/Coach, because it is not an easy job and they are doing their best by the children playing in the team. If you have an issue, please speak to them respectfully so you can work together to come to a resolution which benefits the cricket development of your child.
An Under 11 match in progress with a parent volunteer umpiring
Matches are a fantastic experience, both for the children themselves and for their parents (and other relatives!). Your children will undoubtedly want to share what happened and discuss events in the match with you. It is a fantastic opportunity for a shared family experience and learning for your child. Please therefore make every effort to attend the match yourself and to stay around to support your child and the other adults running the match.
Teddington Cricket Club appreciates that everyone has busy lives, but if you are able to stay and support then this is strongly encouraged.
Please be clear about availability and respond to availability invitations from your AGM quickly
Please make every effort to meet on time
Please help the AGM/Coach set up the match
Please ensure your child is there in time to warm up with their team-mates
Encourage your child to watch the game they are playing so they support the team and understand the situation they will be batting/bowling in
Do volunteer to score (it's not that hard!) or lend the AGM a hand - this may simply mean encouraging the kids to watch or helping organise drinks
Please do not coach from the sidelines - especially shouting to them to run!. In most Leagues Under 11 and up it is against the League rules to give on-field assistance to the team.
Please help clear the equipment away
Please do stay, socialise, have a drink, let the children play some more in an unstructured and free-way. It’s a great way for players and parents to develop new friendships
Please stay until the end of the game and for the debrief. Even if your child has finished their direct involvement in the game, please stay and support your team
Cricket can be a technically difficult game. It is important to develop skills to ensure that the players are improving and able to perform the way they want to when they are 13-15 years old and to then install good habits in learning and technical efficiency to help players express themselves and to be able to excel in adult/older age teams too.
Also due to the nature of cricket, batters may only face 10-15 balls in a game, and only bowl 12 balls in a 2-3 hour game. Compared to a 2 hour training session where in a batting drill they may play in excess of 70 balls (in a net they only get to face approx. 25-30 balls every 10 mins) and they would get to bowl 30 to 40 deliveries with a focus and learning objective.
Although children understandably want to play games, please encourage them to train and develop their skills.